How To Make Money Posting Quotes On Instagram?/ Best Ways

How To Make Money Posting Quotes On Instagram?/ Best Ways

Over 1.4 billion people use Instagram which makes it the most used social media platform. We’re sure you’re probably one of these billions of people who use Instagram almost every day. Isn’t it? Many people on Instagram post motivational quotes, which receive a lot of heart and comments. Is there a reason they post quotes?

They are paid for it. That’s right, you heard it correctly. It must now be dawning on you how to make money posting quotes on Instagram. This post will give you the best tips for doing it. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of everything if you stay until the end.

Without being late, let’s get to our topic.

How to Make Money Posting Quotes on Instagram

Globally, Instagram has become a prominent digital marketing hub. The biggest businesses in the world have created their pages on this platform to sell their products and expand their business. And to promote their products, they need some attractive motivational quotes to be quoted either on their pages or on their products, which they can hire you for.

You won’t even believe that there is a girl named Laura who charges up to $900 for posting motivational quotes on Instagram. Yes, you can make that much money just by writing quotes on this platform. How do you go about it? There are many ways you can do it. We’re going to tell you all these ways to make money on Instagram just by posting quotes. So, let’s dive in.

Making Money on Instagram Through Quote Posting

How To Make Money Posting Quotes On Instagram?/ Best Ways

You can use the following ways to make money by just copyrighting the motivational quotes that attract the audience.

1) Post Quotes

We’ve told you that, yes, you can make money by publishing quotes on Instagram. Now, just publish. Do not wait for the right moment, because it is right now. Because, unless you post these quotes, how will the needed business discover your work and hire you? You’ll need to post as many motivational quotes as possible on Instagram in order to gain some or more fame.

2) Show Your Talent To the world.

If you think you’re a great copywriter who can write amazing and captivating quotes, then let the world know about it. What will you do to accomplish that? Use free platforms like Medium and to publish your quotes. You can even write articles on them, which will show how good you’re at writing and attracting an audience with your content.

Most businesses search for quote writers or creative writers to write for their pages on Google or other social media apps. Don’t forget to be present on all of them. Because, even if you’re on Facebook, if someone wants to get some quotes written on their Instagram page, then they can hire you from there. So, don’t just wait for the Instagrammers to come to you and hire you. Instead of being present on one social media app, be active on all of them.

3) Design your own quote graphic.

Graphics that are compelling and eye-catching enhance the power of writing. So, if you can make the graphics for your quotes, then nothing would be better than this. It’ll increase your chances of getting hired. How? What quotes would interest you the most? the one with graphics or the one without graphics? Obviously, you’d say quotes with graphics.

For that reason, make graphics of your quotes and post them on Instagram. Now, you must have a question on your mind: How can you create your graphic when you’re not even a designer? Look, everything is possible these days.

There are tons of different editing tools like Canva, Easel, and Adobe Photoshop that will help you design your own quote graphics. They don’t require professional designers to use them. You can quickly create your graphic with them. The best thing is that they give you free pre-built templates that you can make your own by dragging and dropping. So, get the most out of them.

4) Advertise Your Services

Advertising your services is the easiest and fastest method to earn money. By doing so, you won’t have to wait for people to visit your Instagram account or page. By running ads for your services, you can show your services to the world in no time.

This way, the business that really needs a creative Instagram quote writer like you can contact you through your ads.

But, keep one thing in mind while running ads. If you want people to contact you, include your phone number or website address in your ads. Also, your quotes should be in the form of graphics as they attract people the most.

5) Set Your Rates!

Initially, as a beginner quote writer, you should not charge your clients so much. Building trust should be your first priority. Charge a low amount at first, and then increase it gradually as people begin to trust you.

Using these methods, you can get paid for writing inspirational quotes on Instagram. Is getting hired by a business the only way to get paid for quotes? Nope, there is another amazing way. What is it? Let’s get to it.

Do The Affiliate Marketing Of Inspirational Quotes

How To Make Money Posting Quotes On Instagram?/ Best Ways

You must have heard about Affiliate marketing. Any brand or marketplace will pay you a commission if someone buys a product from it. But, now the question is, how can we do affiliate marketing for inspirational quotes?

Let us tell you. The people who are interested in reading inspirational quotes might be willing to develop themselves spiritually and internally. And there are different personal development products to do that.

You can simply head over to Clickbank, which is one of the well-known marketplaces, and go to its spirituality, and new-age beliefs section. There you’ll get a lot of personal development products that you can promote through your quotes.

Simply become an Affiliate of ClickBank or any other marketplace where you can get such products. Next, obtain Affiliate links for the products and post them alongside your quotes on Instagram.

Now, your writing will do the rest. Write such quotes that are related to the products and can convert readers to buyers. That sounds interesting, right?


1) How To Sell Quotes On Instagram

Post your quotes on Instagram with attractive graphics. Most businesses need attractive inspirational quotes for their products or pages, so they might hire you and pay you for your quotes.

2) How To Make Quotes For Instagram?

Simply jot your quotes down on a notepad and then design them using any of the editing tools available, such as Canva, Easel, or Adobe Photoshop.

3) Is it possible to make money on Instagram

There are several ways to make money on Instagram. You can do influence marketing if you have a lot of followers, or you can do Affiliate marketing of the products as well.


How to Make Money Posting Quotes on Instagram? Post as many quotes on your Instagram account as possible so that big brands and businesses can contact you. Put the graphics on the quotes to make them look eye-catching. As a result, brands will hire you and pay you for writing quotes for them.

The second way to get paid to write quotes on Instagram is by promoting the affiliate personal development products of ClickBank or any other marketplace.

This concludes our discussion for today. The comments section is open for questions.

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